Onchain P2P Trading Platform
Convert Crypto to Fiat | Fiat to Crypto in your decentralized wallet with iExchange.
Trade Onchain
iExchange offer traders a decentralized P2P platform to convert crypto to fiat & vice versa using a decentralized wallet.
Our system has inbuilt on-chain AML & zkKYC, to ensure the platform meets compliance & prevent fraudulent addresses from using the DApp.
Decentralized P2P with zkProof
Seamless Integration with DApps
iExchange offers DeFi Protocols direct access to the African liquidity market, enabling users to directly on-ramp & off-ramp crypto using a decentralized wallet.
Seamless crypto conversion
Traders & Merchants settle trades via smart contracts, with validators (settlers) attesting to transaction accuracy.
Systems in place to prevent fraudulent activities on the platform.
Gold Bars
Incentivise early adopters who test & give feedback to improve the platform.
Integration Support ...
24/7 developer support for DApps that wants to integrate iExchange.
Secured & Simple Onboarding Process
Be Part of Us
Join iExchange to experience the future of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions with our cutting-edge on-chain solutions.

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